Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Google Wallet Rebranded as Google Payments

Google Wallet Rebranded as Google Payments

A few weeks ago, I posted about Google Payments, a service that could replace Google Wallet. If you open Google Wallets site, youll notice that the name of the service is now Payments. There are still references to the Wallet Card and Wallet Balance.

Another change is that no longer redirects to, but shows the same site.

Google says that "the Services offered by Google Payments are covered by the Google Wallet Privacy Notice. The Google Wallet Privacy Notice will be updated effective June 30, 2015." The link sends users to this page, which is the Google Payments Privacy Notice.

Update: Android Police asked Google about this. "Google has confirmed to us that Wallet will be re-branded primarily as a money transfer service, and will no longer process in-app or online payments, and that Google Payments will pick up the management and overview aspects of Wallets functionality. It was also implied that Android Pay will replace Wallet on Android devices for tap & pay and other purchase functionality."

{ Thanks, Kevin. }

Available link for download